A garden is not a place,
but a journey
Olivia Stewart is a conscientious and sensitive landscape designer who works collaboratively with all her clients to create the garden of their dreams.
Her aim is to create elegant, timeless and sustainable gardens that are loved by her clients and nature alike. Through lush, vibrant and biodiverse spaces, she strives to connect her clients to the natural world, drawing them out of their homes and into the wider landscape.
Olivia's gardens serve many purposes, they are sanctuaries from the modern world and a constant sensory experience. She believes that daily contact with nature can soothe, heal, ground and reconnect with all that is meaningful. Gardens create unique journeys through colour, scent and texture, immersed in the subtle changes and rhythms of the seasons.
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Olivia Stewart runs a dynamic and collaborative practice that brings together the expertise of craftspeople from a wide range of disciplines to create exceptionally beautiful and bespoke landscapes in Oxfordshire and beyond.